Monday, October 4, 2010

Word of the Month - October

To encourage greater participation, and to minimize the impact of my weekend laziness, the Word of the Week will evolve into a Word of the Month....

October's Word is



a grotesque sprite or elf that is mischievous or malicious towardpeople.
1300–50;  ME gobelin  < MF < MHG kobold  goblin; see kobold

Word of the Month Rules & Procedures

1) A word will be posted each month.

2) Any and all SLS students are encouraged to use this word in an actual
class comment or written assignment. (for our non-student readers, conversations, work meetings, and other contexts are fair as long as its intrinsically funny.)

3) Variants, such as adverb forms of a noun, are also free game.

4) Email a description of your achievement (context & quote) to for inclusion in the next WOTM Report (may include recommendations on achievement level).

4) Your level of achievement will be assessed using the following scale:

  • Bronze: Word is used as a restatement of facts, somewhat randomly or out of context; however, valiant effort has been made for inclusion and/or comedic effect (e.g., "Well, according to Walker v Birmingham, and my coffee filter, that rule is out-dated.").
  • Sliver: Word is used in an example, metaphore or analogy (e.g., The three-pronged rule in this case seems to act as a coffee filter for judicial interpretation."
  • Gold: Word is used in such a way as to add substantive or legal weight to an argument. (e.g., "But it is precisly the coffee filter that allows for this interpretation.")

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