Friday, August 27, 2010

Legal Laughter

This blog celebrates all that is funny about life at SLS. I invite you, my compatriots in legal education, to contribute and participate in the frivolity and silliness that ensues.

Rules of Engagement/Comments: 

1) Be nice - poking light fun is fine, but don't say something to or about someone you wouldn't say to their face.

2) No Ranting - Save the airing of grievances for Festivus, unless you can do so in such a manner as your wit and humor far outweigh your rancor.

3) Contributions, guest bloggers and co-author's welcome. If you want to contribute a post, suggest ideas for posts or become a regular blogger, give us a hollar.

4) No grammar nazi's - Seriously, I really donn't car if they're are tie-pos, kids. 

What will you find here?

In addition to your standard musings, we'll strive to have a few regular features, including but certainly not limited to. . .

Overheard at SLS: Law students say the strangest things. Send in the funny, strange, awkward, or odd quotes heard in the hallways/classrooms/offices of SLS.

Word of the Week Contest: Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to use the selected word in a legal assignment or during a substantive class comment. Then, post your quote as a comment and compete for the most creative/comical usage.

Lawyer Jokes: Send/post the good, the bad, and the cheesy.

Law School Bloopers and Awards for Excellent (Comedy, that is): Awards and recognition for making law school funnier and more enjoyable. Submit your nominations!

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