Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rojas Prevails!

SLS remains a place where grassroots political movements can change the world. Reporting on the most recent of such victories, SLS's endorsed candidate for GSC Dan Rojas, SLSLOL is proud to welcome Guest Blogger, Contemporary Political Historian, and Popcorn Aficionado, Paco Torres.

Please join me in congratulating Daniel Rojas ('12) on his major victory--his election as Stanford Law School's representative to the Graduate Student Council.

Daniel was born in Harbor City, California. Having excelled at San Pedro High School, he attended the University of California at Santa Barbara, where he served with particular distinction as a residential assistant at the famed "Francisco Torres" ('11) dormitory. A bright young boy, he had always harbored dreams of being an elected student representative for a graduate school at a major research university.

That hope has manifested itself into reality. Last Thursday, James Freedman ('12) initiated a grass roots campaign to elect Daniel to a position that no one before him had bothered to actually run for. In all likelihood, this is an office that few SLS students knew existed in the first place. But James had the savant-like instinct to see the potential for greatness within Daniel's quiet grace and thoughtful leadership.

Other students took the baton from James. Matthew Cagle ('12) began an innovative website to spread the word about Daniel's campaign. Joel Cazares ('12) took to the Information Super Highway and began imploring students to vote for Daniel on listservs near and far. The campaign transformed into a phenomenon. Inspired by Daniel's cutting-edge and progressive positions--against water-boarding but for water-slides; both for and against the ROTC returning to Stanford--word of the campaign spread throughout every corner of SLS. A paragon of modesty, Daniel did not encourage the efforts of his supporters, wishing to remain distant from the electioneering process.

The students' was successful. Daniel won a unanimous victory, garnering more votes than the combined candidates for representatives from the Business, Education, and Medical schools. Astoundingly, he won more support than the famed "Free Weezy" slate for ASSU Junior Class Presidents.

Daniel has yet to decide whether or not he will wear the purple, don a wreath of laurels, and represent Stanford Law School at that famed deliberating body--the Graduate Student Council. We hope that, like General Washington, he will choose to leave the comfort of his Carson, California farm and answer the people's call to public service. [Editor's Note: Mr. Rojas officially accepted the people's call to service on April 12, 2011 via Facebook Post, reprinted below.]

Daniel provided absolutely no supervision for the students' work. As always, invaluable and capable clerical and campaign assistance was provided by Greg Nolan ('12), Ethan Forrest ('12) and Colin McDonell ('12).

Congratulations to all, especially our new dictator, Daniel B. Rojas, on reaching at the pinnacle of student power here at Stanford Law School.

~ Official Acceptance ~

Dear SLS,

Thank you for the outpouring of unsolicited support for my unwilling candidacy for GSC Representative. I'm writing to confirm that I accepted the position yesterday. . . [Y]ou can all change your profile pictures back to normal now. It's creepy to keep seeing my face everywhere.

Daniel B. Rojas
GSC Representative

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