Thursday, September 16, 2010

Aren't You Glad You're Already Here?

Law Schools Now Require Applicants To Honestly State Whether They Want To Go To Law School

SEPTEMBER 15, 2010 | ISSUE 46•37

NEW YORK—A growing number of law schools have begun requiring applicants to specify in writing whether they do, in fact, have some desire to attend law school, or are just using it as a predictable last resort. "We want to separate those who actually see themselves becoming attorneys from those who just want to put off joining the adult world for another three years," Fordham Law School director Bruce Green said Thursday, showing reporters an application that asks students to check boxes marked "Really?" and "Seriously? You're really that into this?" "We want prospective students to know that they will actually have to study the U.S. legal system. As in, the whole thing." Word of the new requirement has already reportedly caused a 450 percent spike nationwide in applications to graphic design schools.

Thanks, Onion & Jeff:,18089/

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