Sunday, September 19, 2010

What's the difference between a lawyer and . . .

. . .a  vulture? 
The lawyer gets frequent flyer miles. 
. . . God?
God doesn't think he's a lawyer. 
. . . a trampoline? 
You take off your shoes to jump on a trampoline! 

. . .a boxing referee? 
A boxing referee doesn't get paid more for a longer fight. 
. . . a sperm cell? 
At least the sperm has a 1 in 600 million chance at becoming a human being. 

. . .a gigolo? 
A gigolo only screws one person at a time. 
. . .a vampire? A vampire only sucks blood at night. 
. . . a tick?
The tick drops off after you're dead. 

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